Mindfulness Activities for Busy People


Mindfulness Activities for Busy People

With the COVID pandemic encouraging people to find simple ways to look after their mental health, I thought that it was a great time to share a short and fun mindfulness activity.


Firstly, I wanted to welcome you to our wellbeing sanctuary in case you haven’t had the opportunity to visit us yet! This time, we are taking a journey to one of my favourite places on our entire property …. “the rock”.  It’s an absolutely breathtaking space, full of wildness and diverse local native flora and fauna. Just walking through this area finds you instantly relaxing your shoulders, breathing more deeply and slowly …. and listening.

How often do you stop and practice mindfulness activities?  Set aside 8-10 minutes to do this activity while watching the video.  Then pause the video and sit for a while connecting with the rock’s “rockness”.  At the end of the video, I’ve asked you do send something to me at the conclusion of the mindfulness activity.  You can email it to me or post it in the comments (or the social media comments). Taking these small amounts of time to connect are critically  important. 

Untreated mental health conditions cost Australian businesses $10.9 billion annually in absenteeism, reduced productivity and compensation claims.

The quote above is startling …. as are the statistics: 45% of Australians will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime.  SANE Australia report that “neuroscientists have found that mindfulness meditation helps to:


  • Preserve the brain’s grey matter – the thinking part of your brain.
  • Grow the parts of the brain associated with learning, thinking, emotional regulation, empathy, compassion and taking perspective.
  • Reduce fear, anxiety and stress.
  • Improve attention, concentration and memory”.

So basically, not thinking about self care, mindfulness and mental health costs Australian businesses a lot of money AND may even impact the health of your brain.

Thought that I might do a small update to this article, especially since all of this information is still not only relevant but becoming more obviously needed in the post COVID experience.



I came across this pretty resourceful article by Teresa Siqueira, who contacted me to share their recent article on Creative Ways to Use the Internet for Self-Care. There are some brilliant suggestions on creating digital declutter and using online tools to assist you to navigate your self-care requirements. I particularly love the idea about virtual retreats. Obviously, my preference is for you to get out on Country, connect and immerse yourself in regulating sights, sounds, smells and energy.  If you can’t get outside, or are looking for resourceful ways of creating some boundaries around the intrusion of the online world, then do yourself a favour and check out her article.   


Given the importance of mindfulness to your wellbeing and mental health, what's stopping you?

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